XIE, Xin-hui, MD & PhD

Contact Information


  • Clinical Research Experience. As the principal investigator or conjunction-principal investigator I have designed and conducted multiple clinical trials, including three randomized controlled trials, one single-arm trial with Simon’s two-stage design, and several case-controlled studies, and cohort studies.

  • Data Analyses. I am proficient in clinical statistical analysis and multi-omics data analysis, including single-cell sequencing, microbiome, proteomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, and neuroimaging.

  • Neural Mechanism Related Research. Employing brain-derived extracellular vesicles (BDEVs) and complementary methodologies, we conducted a series of investigations into the mechanisms underlying depression. Our research encompassed both clinical trials and rodent models.

  • Development of New Methods. I have developed a novel method to isolate BDEVs from urine. This non-invasive approach enables daily collection of in vivo central nervous system (CNS) signals, significantly increasing sampling frequency compared to traditional methods.

  • Development of New Therapies. I have developed Hybrid-ECT and i-HECT, a modified form of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for patients with treatment-resistant  depression  that preserves the therapeutic efficacy of standard ECT while mitigating cognitive side effects.

  • Brain Imaging. Earlier, I have analyzed resting-state functional MRI and published a meta-analysis of brain networks based on graph theory.

  • Experience of Manuscript Publication and Peer-reviewing. I have authored over 50 papers, the majority of which are published in JCR Q1 and Q2 journals, with some in top-tier publications. I hold first or corresponding authorship on approximately 26 papers (H-index = 13, total citations = 857). Additionally, I have served as a reviewer for more than ten reputable journals worldwide.

My Strengths

One of my strengths is identifying new research directions from conventional practices and providing simple solutions. Here are two examples:

  1. New ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) Strategy. While ECT is the gold standard for treating severe depression for nearly 80 years, its severe cognitive side effects limit its use. I developed a novel protocol, “Hybrid-ECT,” where the first three sessions follow conventional ECT, but subsequent sessions use half the electrical dosage, irrespective of seizure induction. In two randomized controlled trials and a Simon’s optimal two-stage design single-arm trial, Hybrid-ECT showed efficacy comparable to conventional ECT with significantly milder cognitive side effects. Some patients even showed improved cognitive outcomes compared to baseline levels
  2. Innovated a Method for Isolating BDEVs from Urine: Since approximately 2013, isolating brain-derived extracellular vesicles (BDEVs) from peripheral blood has provided direct in vivo data on the central nervous system (CNS) from human participants, effectively bypassing the blood-brain barrier. This approach, metaphorically referred to as “new windows into the brain”, has significantly advanced research on CNS diseases, particularly neurodegenerative disorders. However, daily blood sampling from human subjects is impractical, limiting BDEVs to cross-sectional or low temporal resolution data. Consequently, I shifted my focus to urine. Although omics studies on EVs in urine indicate that most originate from the urogenital tract, I found that proteomics sensitivity might be insufficient to detect the very low abundance of BDEVs in urine. To address this, I developed a method to isolate BDEVs from urine (uBDEVs). Despite uBDEVs constituting only about 1% of the total EVs in urine, this small proportion is adequate for subsequent research. This method enables non-invasive and frequent, even daily, collection of in vivo CNS signals, akin to recording a movie rather than taking snapshots of the CNS.

Fig. 1: Isolation and Validations of urinary astrocyte-derived EVs (uDEVs). (A) Schematic diagram of the uADEVs isolation protocol. (B and C) NTA results of uTEVs and uADEVs. (D–G) TEM images of uTEVs and uADEVs (scale bars: 0.5 μm for D and F, 100 nm for E and G). (H) Results of western blotting: Three EV markers (CD63, CD9 and Alix) and an astrocyte marker (GFAP) were present in the ADEVs sample, while two kidney markers (NKCC2 and NCC) were absent. (I) Immunogold labeled uADEVs with anti-GLAST antibody (the back dots).

Fig. 2: The trajectories of GluN1 in uADEVs. Compared to a sex- and age-matched healthy volunteer (light green line with triangles), the dynamic changes in GluN1 in uADEVs of the patient with anti-NMDAR encephalitis (purple line with dots) are relatively larger. At the three-month follow-up visit after discharge, the patient’s GluN1 level in uADEVs decreased to a level similar to the healthy volunteer.

In my view, the uBDEVs method has the potential to be a game changer, and high-frequency sampling could become a standard protocol in the research of rapidly changing CNS diseases.

I received a Ph.D. in Psychiatry in July 2024. As so many questions remain in this field, I am now motivated to secure a position that will allow me to use my method and other skills to extensively explore neuro-psychiatric disorders. I am particularly interested in the following aspects of CNS diseases: uncovering new biomarkers, potentially identifying new diseases, elucidating their underlying mechanisms, developing diagnostic tools, and improving treatment strategies.


- Wuhan University, Wuhan, China (2021 - 2024)

  • Ph.D. in Psychiatry.
  • Main research contents:
    • New methods: Innovated a method for isolating BDEVs (ADEVs, NDEVs, and oligodendrocyte-derived EVs) from urine (Xie et al., 2024).
    • BDEV, depression and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): Investigating the status of neuroinflammation and neurogenesis in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) using plasma/serum astrocyte-derived extracellular vesicles (ADEVs)(Xu et al., 2023) and neuro-derived EVs (NDEVs)(Xie et al., 2023), and the changes before and after ECT.
    • New rat model of depression: Inspired by the two-hit hypothesis of depression, I conceptualized a novel rat model that could offer the advantages of a stable modeling effect and can better simulate the damage to neural synapses and neurotransmitter pathways, such as GABA, observed in patients with depression (Mei et al., 2024).
    • Discovery of Novel Biomarkers for depression: Through plasma ADEVs and integrating some cell experiments, we identified a potential biomarker for depressive disorders with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve greater than 0.9 (Xu et al., 2024)

- Anhui Medical University, Hefei, China (2011 - 2014)

  • M.S. in Psychiatry.
  • Main research contents:
    • New eye tracking algorithm for schizophrenia: designed an algorithm termed the asymmetric acceleration index (AAI) to compute the asymmetry of saccade acceleration. I found that schizophrenia patients had a significantly lower correlation coefficient (RAD) between AAI and saccade duration than healthy controls (Cui et al., 2014).

- Anhui Medical University, Hefei, China (2005 - 2010)

  • M.D. equivalent.

Clinical Fellowship in Specialty Psychiatry (2021-2024)

- Department of Psychiatry, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

Professional Experience

- Brain Function and Psychosomatic Medicine Institute of Huizhou Mental Health Center (Second People’s Hospital of Huizhou), Huizhou, China

  • Scientific Consultant (Part-time (2021-2024)).
  • Director (Full-time (2017-2021)).
  • Main research contents:
    • New ECT strategy: Improved ECT with similar efficacy but reduced side effects: Hybrid-ECT (Rong et al., 2019), a pioneering approach combining efficacy of standard ECT with reduced cognitive side effects (Li et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022). And further evolved into i-HECT (Zhang et al., 2024).
    • Schizophrenia and coronary artery calcium (CAC): Uncovered increased CAC in schizophrenia patients through COVID-19 chest CT analysis (Huang et al., 2021). Identified potential risk factors including elevated triglycerides and decreased Triiodothyronine (Huang et al., 2023).
    • Gut microbiome in mood disorders: Explored gut microbiota in patients with major depressive or bipolar disorder, highlighting distinctive microbiota patterns and links to the gut microbial tryptophan biosynthesis and metabolism pathway (MiTBamp)(Rong et al., 2019; Lai et al., 2021 a & b).
    • Oral microbiota in schizophrenia: Exploring the differences between oral tablets and orally disintegrating tablets on the oral microbiota of patients with schizophrenia through randomized controlled trials, currently in progress.
    • Additional research endeavors: Conducted a meta-analysis of MRI network topology in depression patients. (Xu et al., 2021).

- Shenzhen Mental Health Center (Shenzhen Kangning Hospital), Shenzhen, China

  • Psychiatrist (2014 - 2017, residency training program).

- Service as Reviewer

  • Schizophrenia Research.
  • Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.
  • Human Brain Mapping.
  • International Journal of Nanomedicine.
  • Journal of Psychiatric Research.
  • Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry.
  • Aging.
  • Scientific Reports.
  • BMC Psychiatry.
  • Frontiers in Psychiatry.
  • Others.

Selected Publications

(Note: #First author, *Corresponding author)

Topic A: Integrated studies on neuropsychiatric diseases and brain-derived extracellular vesicles.

  1. Xie, X. H.#*, Chen, M. M.#, Xu, S. X., Mei, J. Yang, Q., Wang, C. & Liu, Z.* (2024). Urinary Astrocyte-derived Extracellular Vesicles: A Non-invasive Tool for Capturing Human In Vivo Molecular “Movies” of Brain. medRxiv, 2024.01.12.24301104. DOI (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Visualization, Supervision)

  2. Xu, S. X.#, Lyu, H. #, Chen, M. M., Li, K., Yao, L., Wang, C., Xie, X. H.*, Zhongchun Liu, Z.* (2024). Epidermal Growth Factor in the Brain: A Promising Biomarker for Depression.medRxiv, 2024.08.01.24311271. DOI (Submitted. Role: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Visualization, Supervision)

  3. Mei, J.#, Song, X.#, Wang, Y.#, Lyu, H.#, Wang, G., Chen, C., Zhang, H., Wang, C., Xie, X. H.*, Chen, G*, Liu, Z.* (2024). A Novel Depressive-like Model Based on Two Hits of Insomnia and Inflammation. medRxiv 2024.08.01.24311351. DOI (Submitted. Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision)

  4. Xie, X. H.#, Xu, S. X.#, Yao, L., Chen, M. M., Zhang, H., Wang, C.,Nagy, C., & Liu, Z.* (2023). Altered In Vivo Early Neurogenesis Traits in Patients with Depression: Evidence from Neuron-Derived Extracellular Vesicles and Electroconvulsive Therapy. Brain stimulation, 17(1), 19–28. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Visualization, Writing - Original Draft)

  5. Xu, S. X.#, Xie, X. H.#, Yao, L., Wang, W., Zhang, H., Chen, M. M., Sun, S., Nie, Z. W., Nagy, C., & Liu, Z.* (2023). Human in vivo evidence of reduced astrocyte activation and neuroinflammation in patients with treatment-resistant depression following electroconvulsive therapy. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 77, 653-664. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization)

  6. Xie, X. H.#, Lai, W. T., Xu, S. X., Forti, M. D., Zhang, J. Y., Chen, M. M., Yao, L. H., Wang, P. L., Hao, K. K., & Han, R.* (2023). Hyper-inflammation of Astrocytes in Patients of Major Depressive Disorder: Evidence from Serum Astrocyte-derived Extracellular Vesicles. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 109, 51-62. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft)

    Topic B: Designed a new ECT strategy–HECT.

  7. Zhang, J. Y., Zeng, L., Li, J., Chen, M. M., Xu, S. X., Tan, B., Xie, X. H.*, (2024). Individualized Hybrid Electroconvulsive Therapy (i-HECT) Shows Rapid Anti-Depressant Effect and Improved Cognition in Young Patients with Depression. medRxiv, 2024.08.01.24311339. DOI (Submitted. Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing)

  8. Zhang, J. Y.#, Xu, S. X.#, Zeng, L.#, Chen, L. C., Li, J., Jiang, Z. Y., Tan, B. J., Gu, C. L., Lai, W. T., Kong, X. M., Wang, J., Rong, H., & Xie, X. H.* (2022). Improved Safety of Hybrid Electroconvulsive Therapy Compared With Standard Electroconvulsive Therapy in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Pilot Trial. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 896018. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Review & Editing, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition)

  9. Li, J.#, Deng, W. F.#, Xu, S. X.#, Jiang, Z. Y., Rong, H., Kong, X. M., & Xie, X. H.* (2021). The efficacy and acceptability of hybrid electroconvulsive therapy compared with standard electroconvulsive therapy for schizophrenia patients: A parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Brain stimulation, 14(3), 737-739. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition)

  10. Rong, H.#, Xu, S. X.#, Zeng, J.#, Yang, Y. J., Zhao, J., Lai, W. T., Chen, L. C., Deng, W. F., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y. L., Li, M. Z., Xiao, L., & Xie, X. H.*(2019). Study protocol for a parallel-group, double-blinded, randomized, controlled, noninferiority trial: the effect and safety of hybrid electroconvulsive therapy (Hybrid-ECT) compared with routine electroconvulsive therapy in patients with depression. BMC psychiatry, 19(1), 344. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition)

    Topic C: Other clinical/multi-omics studies.

  11. Huang, H. W.#, Yang, N. Y.#, Chen, M. M.#, Chen, X., Chen, W., Li, X., Chen, Y., Deng, Z., Zhou, W., Xu, S. X., Xie, X. H.*(2024). Altered Oral Health and Microbiota in Drug-free Patients with Schizophrenia. (Submitted. Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Visualization, Writing - Review & Editing, Project administration, Supervision)

  12. Huang, T. Y.#, Chen, L. C.#, Li, X. P.#, Li, W. H., Xu, S. X., Nagy, C., Ibrahim, P., Nie, Z. W., Yang, N. Y., Zeng, L., Huang, H. W., Turecki, G., Xie, X. H.* (2023). Elevated Triglycerides and Low Triiodothyronine: Key Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Calcification in Schizophrenia Patients. Schizophrenia research, 264, 113-121. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Writing - Review & Editing)

  13. Lai, W. T.#, Zhao, J.#, Xu, S. X.#, Deng, W. F.#, Xu, D., Wang, M. B., He, F. S., Liu, Y. H., Guo, Y. Y., Ye, S. W., Yang, Q. F., Zhang, Y. L., Wang, S., Li, M. Z., Yang, Y. J., Liu, T. B., Tan, Z. M., Xie, X. H.*, & Rong, H.* (2021). Shotgun metagenomics reveals both taxonomic and tryptophan pathway differences of gut microbiota in bipolar disorder with current major depressive episode patients. Journal of affective disorders, 278, 311-319. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition)

  14. Lai, W. T.#, Deng, W. F.#, Xu, S. X.#, Zhao, J., Xu, D., Liu, Y. H., Guo, Y. Y., Wang, M. B., He, F. S., Ye, S. W., Yang, Q. F., Liu, T. B., Zhang, Y. L., Wang, S., Li, M. Z., Yang, Y. J., Xie, X. H.*, & Rong, H.* (2021). Shotgun metagenomics reveals both taxonomic and tryptophan pathway differences of gut microbiota in major depressive disorder patients. Psychological medicine, 51(1), 90-101. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition)

    Other Publications

  15. Li, K., Wang, K., Xu, S. X., Xie, X. H., Tang,Y., Zhang, L.H., Liu, Z.*(2024). Investigating Neuroplasticity Changes Reflected by BDNF Levels in Astrocyte-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Patients with Depression. International journal of nanomedicine19, 8971–8985. DOI PMID

  16. Li, K. #, Wang, K. #, Xu, S. X., Xie, X. H., Tang,Y., Zhang, L.H., Liu, Z.C. *(2024). ). In vivo evidence of increased vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of affective disorders, S0165-0327(24)01561-1. DOI PMID

  17. Huang, H. W.#, Yang, N. Y.#, Chen, M. M.#, Chen, X., Chen, W., Li, X., Chen, Y., Deng, Z., Zhou, W., Xu, S. X., Xie, X. H.*(2024). Altered Oral Health and Microbiota in Drug-free Patients with Schizophrenia. (Submitted. Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Validation, Writing - Review & Editing, Project administration, Supervision.)

  18. Wang, C.#, Li, N.#, Feng, Y., Sun, S., Rong, J., Xie, X. H., Xu, S. X. & Liu, Z.* (2024). Effects of autotaxin and lysophosphatidic acid deficiencies on depression-like behaviors in mice exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress. Neurobiology of Stress, 30, 100632.DOI

  19. Zhang, H.#, Xie, X. H., Xu, S. X., Wang, C., Sun, S., Song, X., Li, R., Li, N., Feng, Y., Duan, H., Li, D., & Liu, Z.* (2024). Oligodendrocyte-derived exosomes-containing SIRT2 ameliorates depressive-like behaviors and restores hippocampal neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity via the AKT/GSK-3β pathway in depressed mice. CNS neuroscience & therapeutics, 30(3), e14661.DOI PMID

  20. Rong, J.#, Sun, S., Xu, S. X., Xie, X. H., Wang, C., Chen, G., Kang, L., Xiang, D., & Liu, Z.* (2024). The Neuroprotective Effects of BMSC-Derived Exosomes against Glutamate-Induced HT22 Cell Cytotoxicity. Neuroscience, S0306-4522(24)00039-3. DOI PMID

  21. Chen, L. C.#, Tan, W. Y.#, Xi, J. Y., Xie, X. H., Lin, H. C., Wang, S. B., Wu, G. H., Liu, Y., Gu, J., Jia, F. J.*, Du, Z. C.*, & Hao, Y. T.* (2024). Violent behavior and the network properties of psychopathological symptoms and real-life functioning in patients with schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1324911. DOI (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Writing - Review & Editing)

  22. Ma, S.#, Xie, X. H., Deng, Z., Wang, W., Xiang, D., Yao, L., Kang, L., Xu, S., Wang, H., Wang, G., Yang, J.*, & Liu, Z.* (2023). A machine learning analysis of “big” metabolomics data for classifying depression: model development and validation. Biological psychiatry, S0006-3223(23)01792-4. Advance online publication. DOI PMID

  23. Zhou, E.#, Wang, W., Ma, S., Xie, X. H., Kang, L., Xu, S., Deng, Z., Gong, Q., Nie, Z., Yao, L., Bu, L.*, Wang, F.*, & Liu, Z.* (2023). Prediction of anxious depression using multimodal neuroimaging and machine learning. NeuroImage, 285, 120499. DOI PMID (Role: Writing - Review & Editing)

  24. Yao, L.#, Chen, M., Zhang, N., Ma, S., Xie, X. H., Xu, S., Nie, Z., Wang, W., Zhou, E., Xu, S., Weng, S., Chen, H., Xiang, D., & Liu, Z.* (2023). The Mediation Role of Sleep Disturbances between Vitamin D and Depressive Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study. Brain sciences, 13(11), 1501. DOI PMID (Role: Investigation)

  25. Mei, J., Wang, Y., Song, X., Xie, X. H., Wang, G., Chen, C., Chen, G., & Liu, Z.* (2023). The needle in the haystack: Identifying and validating common genes of depression, insomnia, and inflammation. Journal of affective disorders, 342, 45-53. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - Review & Editing)

  26. Xu, S. X.#, Xie, X. H.#, Yao, L., Chen, L. C., Wan, Q., Chen, Z. H., & Liu, Z.* (2023). Trajectories of Efficacy and Cognitive Function During Electroconvulsive Therapy Course in Young Adults with Treatment-Resistant Depression. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 19, 267-281. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Visualization)

  27. Chen, M. M.#, Wang, P., Xie, X. H., Nie, Z., Xu, S. X., Zhang, N., Wang, W., Yao, L., & Liu, Z.* (2023). Young Adults with Major Depression Show Altered Microbiome. Neuroscience, 522, 23-32. DOI PMID

  28. Hao, K.#, Chen, F.#, Zhao, L.#, Xu, S., Xiong, Y., Xu, R., Xie, X. H., Huang, H., Shu, C., Liu, Z., Wang, H.*, & Wang, G.* (2023). Nicotinamide ameliorates mitochondria-related neuronal apoptosis and cognitive impairment via the NAD+/SIRT3 pathway. Schizophrenia (Heidelberg, Germany), 9(1), 32. DOI PMID

  29. Chen, G.#, Ma, S.#, Gong, Q.#, Xie, X. H., Wu, P., Guo, W., Kang, L., Li, M., Zhang, H., Zhou, E., Zhang, Y., Rong, J., Duan, H., Jin, L., Xu, S., Zhang, N., Sun, S., Li, R., Yao, L., Xiang, D., … Liu, Z.* (2023). Assessment of brain imaging and cognitive function in a modified rhesus monkey model of depression. Behavioural brain research, 445, 114382. DOI PMID

  30. Ma, S.#, Wang, W., Gong, Q., Xiang, D., Yao, L., Xu, S., Xie, X. H., Wang, H., Wang, G., Yang, J., & Liu, Z.* (2023). Inflammatory bowel disease and the long-term risk of depression: A prospective cohort study of the UK biobank. General hospital psychiatry, 82, 26-32. DOI PMID

  31. Nie, Z., Xie, X. H., Kang, L., Wang, W., Xu, S., Chen, M., Yao, L., Gong, Q., Zhou, E., Li, M., Wang, H., Bu, L., & Liu, Z.* (2023). A Cross-Sectional Study: Structural and Related Functional Connectivity Changes in the Brain: Stigmata of Adverse Parenting in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder? Brain sciences, 13(4), 694. DOI PMID

  32. Wang, P.#, Xie, X. H., Chen, M., Zhang, N., Wang, W., Ma, S., Nie, Z., Yao, L., & Liu, Z.* (2022). Measuring childhood trauma in young adults with depression: A latent profile analysis. Asian journal of psychiatry, 80, 103387. DOI PMID

  33. Yao, L.#, Zhang, N., Ma, S., Xie, X. H., Xu, S., Xiang, D., Kang, L., Chen, M. M., Wang, P., & Liu, Z.* (2022). The relationship between vitamin D levels in seasonal variations and Chinese patients with first-episode drug-naive depression. Journal of psychosomatic research, 164, 111079. DOI PMID

  34. Hao, K.#, Wang, H.#, Zhang, Y.#, Xie, X. H., Huang, H., Chen, C., Xu, S., Xu, R., Shu, C., Liu, Z., Zhou, Y., Reynolds, G. P., & Wang, G.* (2022). Nicotinamide reverses deficits in puberty-born neurons and cognitive function after maternal separation. Journal of neuroinflammation, 19(1), 232. DOI PMID

  35. Xu, S. X.#, Xie, X. H., Su, D., & Liu, Z.* (2022). Electroconvulsive Therapy in a Young Adult Patient With Bipolar Depression and Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor: A Case Report. The journal of ECT, 10.1097/YCT.0000000000000876. DOI PMID

  36. Yang, F.#, Xie, X. H.#, Li, X., Liao, H. N., & Zou, B.* (2022). Analysis of Psychological and Gut Microbiome Characteristics in Patients With Non-erosive Reflux Disease. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 741049. DOI PMID (Role: Methodology, Investigation, Writing - Review & Editing)

  37. Wang, Y.#, Wang, Y., Bu, L., Wang, S., Xie, X. H., Lin, F., & Xiao, Z.* (2022). Functional Connectivity Features of Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging May Distinguish Migraine From Tension-Type Headache. Frontiers in neuroscience, 16, 851111. DOI PMID

  38. Xu, S. X.#, Deng, W. F.#, Qu, Y. Y.#, Lai, W. T., Huang, T. Y., Rong, H., & Xie, X. H.* (2021). The integrated understanding of structural and functional connectomes in depression: A multimodal meta-analysis of graph metrics. Journal of affective disorders, 295, 759-770. DOI PMID (Role: Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition)

  39. Wang, J.#, Zhang, Y., Yang, Y., Liu, Z., Xia, L., Li, W., Li, Z., Xie, X. H., Deng, W., Zhang, K., & Liu, H.* (2021). The prevalence and independent influencing factors of obesity and underweight in patients with schizophrenia: a multicentre cross-sectional study. Eating and weight disorders: EWD, 26(5), 1365-1374. DOI PMID

  40. 谢新晖 (Xie, X. H.)#, 陈浜#, 赵一天, 王浩, 徐淑娴, 胡衍, 荣晗, 刘江* (2020). 眼脑联动与神经精神疾病[Initiative of eye-brain joint computing in neuropsychiatric disorders]. 中华精神科杂志,053(006), 546-552. DOI

  41. Li, H.#, Zhang, S., Qian, Z. M., Xie, X. H., Luo, Y., Han, R., Hou, J., Wang, C., McMillin, S. E., Wu, S., Tian, F., Deng, W. F.*, & Lin, H.* (2020). Short-term effects of air pollution on cause-specific mental disorders in three subtropical Chinese cities. Environmental research, 191, 110214. DOI PMID

  42. Zhang, S.#, Yang, Y., Xie, X. H., Li, H., Han, R., Hou, J., Sun, J., Qian, Z. M., Wu, S., Huang, C., Howard, S. W., Tian, F., Deng, W., & Lin, H.* (2020). The effect of temperature on cause-specific mental disorders in three subtropical cities: A case-crossover study in China. Environment international, 143, 105938. DOI PMID

  43. Kong, X. M.#, Xie, X. H., Xu, S. X., Chen, Y., Wang, C., Hong, H., & Sun, Y.* (2019). Low-Charge Electrotherapy in Geriatric Major Depressive Disorder Patients: A Case Series. Psychiatry investigation, 16(6), 464-468. DOI PMID

  44. Rong, H.#, Xie, X. H.#, Zhao, J., Lai, W. T., Wang, M. B., Xu, D., Liu, Y. H., Guo, Y. Y., Xu, S. X., Deng, W. F., Yang, Q. F., Xiao, L., Zhang, Y. L., He, F. S., Wang, S., & Liu, T. B.* (2019). Similarly in depression, nuances of gut microbiota: Evidences from a shotgun metagenomics sequencing study on major depressive disorder versus bipolar disorder with current major depressive episode patients. Journal of psychiatric research, 113, 90-99. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition)

  45. Li, M. Z.#, Chen, L. C.#, Rong, H., Xu, S. X., Li, Y., Yang, Q. F., Deng, W. F., Yang, H. Z., Kong, X. M., Xiao, L., & Xie, X. H.*(2019). Low-charge electrotherapy for patients with schizophrenia: A double-blind, randomised controlled pilot clinical trial. Psychiatry research, 272, 676-681. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition)

  46. Kong, X. M.#, Xu, S. X.#, Sun, Y., Wang, K. Y., Wang, C., Zhang, J., Xia, J. X., Zhang, L., Tan, B. J., & Xie, X. H.*(2017). Electroconvulsive therapy changes the regional resting state function measured by regional homogeneity (ReHo) and amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (ALFF) in elderly major depressive disorder patients: An exploratory study. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 264, 13-21. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing)

  47. Li, D.#, Yu, F., Ye, R., Chen, X., Xie, X. H., Zhu, C., & Wang, K.* (2017). How does gaze direction affect facial processing in social anxiety? -An ERP study. Psychiatry research, 251, 155-161. DOI PMID

  48. Zhang, J. X.#, Liu, X. H.#, Xie, X. H.*, Zhao, D., Shan, M. S., Zhang, X. L., Kong, X. M., & Cui, H.* (2015). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for chronic insomnia in adults older than 75 years: a randomized, controlled, single-blind clinical trial. Explore (New York, N.Y.), 11(3), 180-185. DOI PMID (Role: Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing)

  49. Liu, X. H.#, Xie, X. H.*, Wang, K. Y., & Cui, H.* (2014). Efficacy and acceptability of atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Psychiatry research, 219(3), 543-549. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Visualization)

  50. Cui, H.#, Liu, X. H.#, Wang, K. Y., Zhu, C. Y., Wang, C., & Xie, X. H.* (2014). Association of saccade duration and saccade acceleration/deceleration asymmetry during visually guided saccade in schizophrenia patients. PloS one, e97308. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Visualization)

  51. Liu, X.#, Cui, H.#, Wei, Q., Wang, Y., Wang, K., Wang, C., Zhu, C., & Xie, X. H.*(2014). Electroconvulsive therapy on severe obsessive-compulsive disorder comorbid depressive symptoms. Psychiatry investigation, 11(2), 210-213. DOI PMID (Role: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing)

  52. 谢新晖 (Xie, X. H.)#, 刘晓慧, 王晨, 朱春燕, 崔红, & 王克永* (2014). 精神分裂症患者在视觉引导眼跳中速度非对称性与眼跳幅度的相关分析. [The correlation between saccade velocity asymmetry and amplitude during visually guided saccade was lower in schizophrenia patients]. 中华精神科杂志, (5), 5. DOI

  53. Wei, Q.#, Xie, X. H.#, Chen, Y., Tian, Y., Wang, H., Wang, K., & Wang, K.* (2013). Electroconvulsive therapy and Klinefelter syndrome. The journal of ECT, 29(3), e36-e37. DOI PMID (Role: Investigation, Writing - Original Draft)